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National Youth Service

Background Information

Fifty Years ago, the Founding Fathers of this nation grappled with a youth bulge that was not ordinary. The nation had emerged from a grueling liberation war, and the youth were at the centre of it.

Their energies were high and their demands were justified. However, the country was too young to absorb the throbbing dreams of the expectant youth. A shift was necessary; one that would translate their raw energies and dreams into nation-building. And this shift was best articulated in the twin philosophy of His Excellency, the late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta when he declared; “…Uhuru na Kazi” and “…Hakuna Cha Bure”.

National Youth Service

Our Strategic Pillars

Paramilitary Training and Service Regimentation

National Service and Youth Re-Socialization

Technical and Vocational Training

Commercial and Enterprise Development